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Mast Hertz X8 Pro Kabellose Tattoo-PMU-Maschine

Angebot$139.99 Regulärer Preis$149.99

Motortyp: Bürstenloser, drehzahlgeregelter Motor
Geschwindigkeit: 10 V, 9000 U/min
Ausgangsfrequenz: 3 Hz – 150 Hz
Hub: 3,5 mm
Batteriekapazität: 1800mAh

Lademethode: Typ C
Ladezeit: ca. 2 h
Arbeitszeit: ca. 6 h
Gewicht: 178 g
Größe: 36 mm x 130 mm

Mit der neuen Generation drahtloser Technologie mit einstellbarer Frequenz liegen wir im Trend und eröffnen der Tattoo-Kunst vielfältige Möglichkeiten.

Übersichtliche Anzeige der Arbeitszeit- und Frequenzparameter
Unterstützt 3 gemeinsame Frequenzspeicher M1, M2, M3

Akku mit großer Kapazität
Eingebauter 1800 mAh-Akku mit großer Kapazität ermöglicht 6 Stunden Dauerbetrieb und stellt sicher, dass Sie unter allen Umständen weiter kreativ sein können.

1 x kabelloses Mastgerät mit einstellbarer Frequenz und 1 x Ladekabel

MAST garantiert die optimale Leistung der Produkte bei der Anwendung durch einen professionellen Tätowierer.

Normale Abnutzung und Verschleiß werden während der gesamten Lebensdauer der Maschine durch die Garantie abgedeckt.
Die Produktgarantie beträgt 1 Jahr ab Kaufdatum.

Mast Hertz X8 Pro Kabellose Tattoo-PMU-Maschine
Mast Hertz X8 Pro Kabellose Tattoo-PMU-Maschine Angebot$139.99 Regulärer Preis$149.99

Customer Reviews

Based on 25 reviews
Andrew Dodson
Wish the battery detached

Mast tattoo pens are some of my favorites. This Mast Hertz is really cool. It's chonky and feels heavy duty. It boasts output in terms of Hz, which at first I wasn't necessarily used to, but quickly adapted. My only real complaint is that the battery doesn't detach - so no swapping out batteries on longer days, or even running off a cable. Eventually when the battery goes bad - and they all do eventually - the whole pen is trash. I hate integrated batteries, so in that regard Mast missed the mark. But we're a society of planned obsolescence, so this tracks. Aside from that, really great pen.

Its a keeper!

The machine is super lightweight. This is going to make a great liner as there is little to no vibration felt. It runs very quiet and smoothly. my favorite part about it is the voltage range because I can throw it all the way down to 3v for my needs. however, I can throw it lower for dotwork, which is what I do. It has a few different dotwork settings to where it will start slowly to more rapidly. its hard to describe, but it kind of works intermittently on those settings. however this is for people who do dotwork style tattooing, so if you dont do that style, dont worry about it as you wont need to ever put your machine down that low. Its just a bonus for people who do that style like me because you dont find this feature in very many machines.I love everything about this machine. I have absolutely no cons for it. If you dont do dotwork style, you can still use this machine. I think it would make a great liner, and I see the versatility for it for other types of tattooing styles as well. I fully recommend it and I believe that the price point that its selling for is an absolute steel for the settings and the features that are in this machine.

Beautiful machine that's easy to use

I love the way this machine looks. The colors are very cool, especially how it fades from black to blue at the bottom. The high res color display screen looks very cool as well.It feels super comfortable in my hand. Great quality craftsmanship. Feels tough.Love the click grip. I don't love that the battery is built-in versus removable.It's not loud during usage, however there is a little vibration.Super easy to use.It really is a nice working tattoo machine, the only drawback is the built-in battery.

Sapphire Ryun
Very pretty machine.

This machine is crazy strong for pushing hard solid lines and is amazingly quiet and has an immense battery life. I love the coloring on the machine itself it adds for s fun pop of color to any tattoo shop or home.

Kyle T Duffy
Great for noobs and pros a like

Currently apprenticing to one day become a tattoo artist. I've seen pros use this, and tools like this. I like this tattoo pen because it isn't connected to anything so I have complete range of motion. I can turn it any direction, twist, move my chair, do literally anything without a cable in the way. It lasts for hours and the adjustable frequency is fantastic. This is a great tattoo pen, hands down.


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