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Ambition Soldier 270 Kabellose Tattoo-PMU-Maschine

Angebot$179.99 Regulärer Preis$189.99

Technische Daten:
  • Material: Die Ambition-Tätowiermaschine hat ein Gehäuse aus Aluminiumlegierung und eine Antriebsstange aus Edelstahl. Länge: 144 mm (5,6 Zoll), Breite: 42 mm (1,65 Zoll) und 34 mm (1,3 Zoll), Nettogewicht: 284 g (228 g). Gut ausbalanciertes Gewicht, keine Ermüdung selbst bei langen Tätowiersitzungen
  • Bürstenloser Motor mit hohem Drehmoment: Diese Tätowierpistole wird von einem bürstenlosen Motor mit hohem Drehmoment (270 g/cm³) angetrieben. Dadurch werden die Stabilität und Zuverlässigkeit der Maschine verbessert und selbst bei Betrieb mit niedriger Spannung treten keine Probleme wie Nadelsprünge oder Drahtbrüche auf.
  • Direktantriebssystem: Ambition-Rotationstattoostift mit Direktantriebssystem, eingebaute 4,0-mm-Nocke ist perfekt mit dem Motor kompatibel, was die Maschine leistungsstärker macht und immer leise und vibrationsarm bleibt, für eine stabile Tintenaufnahme und weniger Hautverlust sorgt.
  • Innovativer Akku: 2400 mAh Akkukapazität mit Farb-Touchscreen hat eine hohe Empfindlichkeit und kann normal funktionieren, auch wenn Sie Handschuhe tragen, der einstellbare Spannungsbereich ist 1-12 V, neue Taschenlampenseite, Uhrzeit, Datum, Sperrbildschirm und andere Seiten
Ambition Soldier 270 Kabellose Tattoo-PMU-Maschine
Ambition Soldier 270 Kabellose Tattoo-PMU-Maschine Angebot$179.99 Regulärer Preis$189.99

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Champ McNeil
Best machine Iove had!

Just bought this machine a few days ago and I love it! I just did this tattoo today. Very powerful motor and its quiet. The features on the battery are a plus as well! Great job Ambition

Quick video review of the ambition soldier 270

Very hard hitting machine very well balanced device along with the 4.5 mm stroke!! ambition offers the best pricing around!!!

10/10 tattoo machine

Love this machine!!! Definitely get your moneys worth with the quality of the machine battery last a good amount of time I'd say 6-7 hrs also like that it comes with a different size grips very helpful. So far have nothing bad to say about this machine definitely recommend for experienced and beginner tattoo artist

Kenneth Nash Fors
The best bang for your buck out there!

I liked the original soldier so much that I recently bought the 270 and it's just as amazing but with a more comfortable grip! I opted to put the 4.5 cam in and it packs like crazy, is a great small liner and if you know what you're doing you can get soft black and grey out of it as well! The reason this machine really shines is because it's only about a tenth of the price of its competitors and works just as good if not better! I would highly recommend for any LICENSED artists and PROFESSIONALS looking to add a pen to their collection at a great price.


This is my second machine from AMBITION, and like the first one, it's a great machine! I recently purchased another machine from a different brand that was seven times more expensive than the Soldier 270, and it was a disappointment. The battery life was horrible, and its balance and power don't compare at all to the AMBITION. They offer several options on their website for both beginner and advanced tattoo machines. Not only is the machine great, but the grip options, ink caps, and especially the cartridges with extended size options are fantastic. One of the best features I like is the battery; I can tattoo for two days in a row for five hours on a single charge. I am very impressed with this brand's products


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